Refund help

Your information

In order to process your refund, we need to verify your details.
Start typing and select your address from the dropdown list. Once selected, your full address will auto-fill.

Receiving account

Fill out the below with the account information applicable for the refund.
If you used an electronic wallet, please enter the details of the associated bank account. Checking accounts only, saving account information will not be accepted and may delay your refund.
Please enter as numbers only (e.g. 123456).
Please ensure all information is correct. Incorrect information may delay your refund up to 5 working days.

Identify vending machine

Fill out the below with the account information applicable for the refund.
Don't know the machine code of the machine you used? Click here.
This information will auto-fill
Does this look correct? If this doesn't match the location of the machine you used, there may be a problem processing your refund.
Please insert refund amount in numbers only, no currency symbol required. For refunds of larger amounts you will need to contact our Customer Help team
Help us make the experience better. Tell us about the issue you encountered, be as descriptive as possible.
Before you submit this form
Before you submit this form, please ensure all information is correct. Incorrect information may delay your refund up to 5 working days. If you've had trouble filling out this form, for example if the site name does not match the location you expect, try reaching out to our Customer Help team to request a manual refund.
Haven't found a solution yet?
Email us at

Apply for a refund

Use this form to submit your refund request.

Your information

In order to process your refund, we need to verify your details.
Start typing and select your address from the dropdown list. Once selected, your full address will auto-fill.

Receiving account

Fill out the below with the account information applicable for the refund.
If you used an electronic wallet, please enter the details of the associated bank account. Checking accounts only, saving account information will not be accepted and may delay your refund.
Please ensure all information is correct. Incorrect information may delay your refund up to 5 working days.

Identify vending machine

Fill out the below with the account information applicable for the refund.
If you used an electronic wallet, please enter the details of the associated bank account. Checking accounts only. Saving account information will not be accepted and may delay your refund.
Don't know the machine code of the machine you used? Click here.
This information will auto-fill
Does this look correct? If this doesn't match the location of the machine you used, there may be a problem processing your refund.
Help us make the experience better. Tell us about the issue you encountered, be as descriptive as possible.
Before you submit this form
Before you submit this form, please ensure all information is correct. Incorrect information may delay your refund up to 5 working days. If you've had trouble filling out this form, for example if the site name does not match the location you expect, try reaching out to our Customer Help team to request a manual refund.
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